Pediatricians were trained at USMU in Early Childhood Care 25-06-2021 News

Pediatricians were trained in the program «Early Assistance in Pediatrics» which is implemented jointly by Clinical Psychology and Pedagogy Department and Outpatient Pediatrics Department of Ural State Medical University (USMU).

Evgenia Naboychenko, dean of Psychology and social work and nursing education faculty, told «Module «Psychological-pedagogical and medico-social issues of early care in pediatrics» (program director – Natalia Ustinova, candidate of psychological sciences, docent of Clinical psychology Department) was implemented from 7th to 17th of June. The program is implemented in the third time. The trainees with the program director visited centers such as «Resource» and «Echo» in Yekaterinburg where early intervention is available. Early help for children and families is a package of medical and psychological support services aimed at promoting the physical and mental development of children (the target audience is children from birth to three years old) to support families raising a child with disabilities».

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