USMU today
USMU today_1
52 Clinical and Theoretical Departments
52 Clinical and Theoretical Departments
52 Clinical and Theoretical Departments
USMU today_2
Department of Information Technologies
Department of Information Technologies
Department of Information Technologies
Central Science and Research Laboratory
Central Science and Research Laboratory
Central Science and Research Laboratory
Teaching Dentistry Clinic
Teaching Dentistry Clinic
Teaching Dentistry Clinic
- Established in 1930
- Over 6000 students
- More than 300 International Students from 30 countries
- Top-100 Russian universities according to RAEX Ranking
- Top-3 Dentistry faculties in Russia
- Top-10 medical universities in Russia
- Top-5 Educational programmes of Russia
- 1400 faculty members (75% with PhD)
- 50 Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation
- 5 Members of the Russian Academy of Science
- 5 Distinguished Scholars of the Russian Federation
- 4 own peer reviewed Scientific Journals
- Over 30 international partnership agreements
Количество просмотров: 1,610