International Doctor’s Day 06-10-2020 News

Dear Colleagues!

I sincerely congratulate you on the International Doctor’s Day! You have chosen the most humane profession in the world, importance of which cannot be overstated. A doctor is more than a profession, it is a vocation and a way of life, a huge responsibility, a daily test of knowledge, fortitude, and will. The most valuable thing a person has – life and health – is in your hands! Every day, fulfilling your noble mission, you come to the aid of those who need it. Every day you save human lives, heal people from all kinds of diseases. There are no days off in your complex and extremely stressful work. You give it all your strength and talent.

Doctors unite to do their job and save lives regardless of nationality, religion and attitude to different events. The fight against the coronavirus pandemic is further proof that a doctor is not just a profession, but a daily feat and heroism. And it doesn’t matter whether a doctor works in a huge clinic or in a small district hospital, this does not detract from his merits as every life he saved is priceless.

The most modern equipment and new technologies, scientific progress in the field of medicine would be useless if it were not for your constant professional self-improvement, the desire to understand, find the right solution and gain practical experience for a more effective fight against diseases.

For the whole society, today’s holiday is an occasion to once again express to you our deep gratitude and respect.

I sincerely wish you and your loved one’s good health, happiness and prosperity!

Mikhail Murashko

Minister of Health of Russia

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