Ural State Medical University (USMU) has improved its position in the ranking of the European Scientific and Industrial Chamber Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard (ARES-2020). 15-01-2021 News

Ural State Medical University (USMU) has improved its position in the ranking of the European Scientific and Industrial Chamber Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard (ARES-2020). The university was included in the rating group “A”.

In the same rating group with USMU are, in particular, the Bashkir State University, the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I. M. Gubkin, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Ryazan State Medical University, Siberian State Medical University.

The ARES rating is in its 9th year, in 2020 the number of participants significantly increased compared to last year. For example, in Russia, 278 universities have passed the “C” grade, including 34 medical ones. Processing in ARES takes place automatically, excluding the human factor, and the criteria in the assessment are the European standards of higher education, which were discussed in detail at forums and conferences, were approved by the Bologna Process Coordination Group BFUG and were validated by the Conference of Ministers of Higher Education of the EC.

When forming the ARES rating, 35% of the assessment depends on the quality of education, 20% – on the level of research conducted by the university, 15% – on its international activities, 15% – on relations with employers and 15% – on the regional significance of the university.

The participants in the rating are divided into groups according to three categories of ratings:

Category A (AAA, AA+, AA, A+, A): high quality of teaching, research activities and demand for graduates by employers (High quality performance);

Category B (BB+, BB, BB+, BB, B+, B): reliable quality of teaching, scientific activity and demand for graduates by employers (Good quality performance);

Category C ( CC+, CC, CC+, CC, C+, C): adequate quality of teaching, scientific activity and demand for graduates by employers (Sufficient quality performance).

For the first time, USMU was included in the ARES rating in 2014 and then entered the ” BBB ” group.

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(343) 214 86 71,
E-mail: usma@usma.ru
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E-mail: priem@usma.ru