«I’m not afraid for myself». USMU resident about his work during the epidemic 28-04-2020 News

Evgeny Galiullin, resident at Ural State Medical University, first studied as resuscitation anesthetist, but then decided to transfer to the department of general practice. He likes a new direction as it covers a variety of clinical cases and constant communication with people. Today, Evgeny is one of those “on the front line” during the coronavirus epidemic. Whether he had to deal with COVID-19 in person, what his working day consists of and what motivates the young specialist is in our interview.

You study at residency in the direction of “General medical practice” – in what role can you work after its completion?

– I can work in therapy, cardiology, ambulance. But my dream, of course, is to return to the ambulance. I worked there from the 3rd year and got so involved that it became my second home, second family. Every challenge there is like a wheel of fortune – you never know what to expect. You need to be prepared for anything. As the doctor, with whom I once worked, said: to work on an ambulance you must have an immeasurable supply of luck and the same margin of nerve strength.

– Now you work at a clinic and consult patients at home. What cases do you usually encounter?

– Initially, it was assumed that I would only go to patients with high fever, but later the scope expanded. I like to develop in many ways: as a result, I began to help patients with various complaints – for example, eye problems, arrhythmias, osteochondrosis, oncology.

– What is your usual work day?

– Wake up at 7 a.m., arrive to work by 9 a.m. First, I write a summary of the calls that were on the previous day, get new tasks and replenish the first-aid kit. At about 10 hours I begin to check up on the patients, including my chronic patients. During the busiest days there are 8-9 calls. Sometimes one call costs five. You come to the address and you can spend an hour there, because it is not so easy to immediately understand the situation, it is difficult to make a diagnosis. And you need to make a decision – either send the person to the hospital, or take responsibility for yourself and prescribe treatment at home.

– The current epidemiological situation has certainly added complexity and changed your usual routine …

– Yes, it is. For example, one patient had an attack of acute gastritis. Under normal conditions, I would have routinely sent her to a gastroenterologist, and now I cannot do this, because all the scheduled appointments are cancelled. In general, many patients who previously came to the clinic themselves now call a doctor to home.

– Is it possible that you may contact a coronavirus?

– Moreover, such a case has already happened in my practice. We arrived at the call of a woman, took her analysis and she met the criteria: already a week of ARVI symptoms without any changes, age over 65 years. As a result, coronavirus was confirmed.

– Is it scary to work during the epidemic?

– I had a friend whom we met on an ambulance – he always said that death is not something to be afraid of. It’s like a queue in a supermarket, just with its own rules – you don’t know who is ahead and who is behind you. Sooner or later, we will die anyway. And why should you live, then? I didn’t just call myself a doctor. If you chose this path yourself, you are responsible for your decision. You can be scared only for

the relatives, but not for yourself. I’m not afraid. If wouldn’t work now, I wouldn’t just be bored, I would be ashamed of my diploma, of my robe. I could not have done otherwise. My mom is now working on the outbreaks as well. Such selflessness always saved. I still remember one story – it was about a military doctor who saved people and did not spare his life for it. For some reason, this is the ideal in my head.

– Why did you choose the profession of a doctor?”

– My mother is a doctor, my grandmother was a medical assistant, my great-grandfather was also a medical assistant. There were no options, I always knew who I would be. Probably even before school.

– In your opinion, what qualities should a doctor have?

– First of all, I think that the doctor should have honesty. Secondly, courage. And thirdly, one may say, to inspire people next to you with something kind and bright.

– And how does it feel, is it working out?

– You often come to people’s call, begin communication and they say that when I’m with them it immediately becomes easier for them. So, I hope that I’m doing it successfully.

– What does this work give you?

– Most likely moral satisfaction. The understanding that I did not study in vain and became useful in the place where I was born – in Ekaterinburg.

Also, practice, of course, is a good thing – in such conditions you can understand much more clearly what knowledge do you lack. I even wrote down a list of questions for my professors. It is clear that in the evening you come home and try to read something, to find something new. In medicine, you need to constantly add to your knowledge. But it’s one thing when you read it, and another thing – when the senior comrade can tell you something from his experience. Maybe some dosages, how to change them, side effects. Such support means a lot.

– Do you have enough of this support now?

– Yes, and university teachers and colleagues are always ready to give any advice. Honestly, I expected the worst, but in fact I joined the team became one of them in a heartbeat. Now we can even discuss interesting cases with a senior therapist. We communicate and consult each other.

– What would you advise to the guys that are now studying at the junior courses of our medical university?

– I would advise you to learn. Learn, learn, and learn. Because, when you start working, you will understand what knowledge is missing.

Daria Korchak

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