Assistant of the department at USMU was awarded the presidential scholarship 22-01-2021 News

Yakov Bozhko, a cardiologist at the Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1, an assistant at the Therapy Department of USMU Faculty of Advance Vocational Training, was awarded the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation announced for the first time for the competition of young scientists and postgraduates carrying out promising research and development in areas, primary to modernization of the Russian economy in 2021-2023.

The decision was made by the expert council for grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists and for state support of the country’s leading scientific schools. In total, more than 1 000 applications from leading research and educational institutions of Russia were submitted for the competition, including 7 applications from the Ural Medical University. The main criteria for selecting the winning projects were the novelty and significance of the scientific idea, the quality of published scientific papers on the stated problem, the availability of the applicant’s research potential, as well as the formed plan for the implementation of the research project.

The project of Yakov Bozhko “Experimental and clinical substantiation of the significance of calcium-magnesium ratios in personalized diagnosis, therapy and prevention of atrial fibrillation of vegetative genesis”, successfully implemented on the basis of USMU under the scientific guidance of the head of the Department of Therapy of FPK and PP, Professor Mikhail Viktorovich Arkhipov, is based on a well-coordinated interdisciplinary the interaction of the clinic, experimental medicine and physiology and allows you to return to the problems of vagotonia in the development of cardiac arrhythmias from the standpoint of a multitarget approach.

Well-coordinated interaction with the Department of General Chemistry of the USMU, headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Nadezhda Anatolyevna Belokonova, as well as strategic partnership with the Central Scientific Research Laboratory of USMU and the Institute of Immunology and Physiology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Director of the Institute, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Prof. Olga Eduardovna Solovyova) allows today to comprehensively solve the set research tasks, expanding the research prospects. The authors of the project express their sincere gratitude and gratitude to the rector of USMU, corresponding member. RAS, Professor Olga Petrovna Kovtun, Vice-Rector for Research and Clinical Work, Professor Marina Anatolyevna Ufimtseva and members of the Academic Council of USMU for their support and high confidence.

We wish researchers new creative achievements!

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