Students of the preparatory faculty of USMU received certificates 30-06-2023 News Новости

On 06.27.2023, a solemn ceremony of presenting certificates of completion of studies to listeners of the preparatory faculty was held.


Vice-rector for Perspective Development and International Relations of the Ural State Medical University (USMU) Mikhail Aleksandrovich Flyagin and Dean of the Faculty of International Students Bogdanova Elena Nikolaevna presented certificates and congratulated the graduates on completing their studies.


5 students passed the final exams in Russian language, chemistry and biology with excellent marks: Kigozi Damascus, Haydar Ghadir, Baatarbyek Symbat, Khazratgoli Negin Firuz, Munkhzorig Enkhjargal.


On 06.28.2023 the graduates celebrated this event with a friendly sports bowling tournament, which was organized by the Dean of the faculty Bogdanova Elena Nikolaevna, employees of the Dean’s Office and teachers of the Russian language Moiseeva Daria Sergeevna and Dautova Arina Ruslanovna.


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