The “influx” of competitors could not shake the position of USMU in the ranking “Three University Missions” 30-08-2022 News

Ural State Medical University (USMU) was able to maintain its position in the global ranking “Three University Missions” despite increased competition. The published lists for the first time includes 1800 positions – in 2021, 1650 participants were ranked in the ranking.

The number of Russian medical universities participating in the rating has increased. Now there are 32 of them – against 16 a year earlier. However, this did not prevent USMU from maintaining its place in the range of 1401-1500. Sechenov University traditionally remains the leader of the rating among Russian medical universities. USMU managed to get ahead of 10 colleagues – medical universities from the Russian Federation. Ural Medical University for the first time entered the Three Missions of the University ranking in 2020.

“The initiative of the Russian Union of Rectors to create an international rating with headquarters in Russia has made it possible to create a tool for assessing the objective positions of the national higher education at the world level. The high level of domestic education is evidenced by the fact that the 2022 ranking for the first time included universities from more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation,” said the rector of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, President of the Russian Union of Rectors Viktor Sadovnichy.

Like last year, Russia rounded out the top three world leaders in terms of the number of universities in the Three University Missions  ranking (146 universities; only the US and China have a higher figure).

The Moscow International University Ranking is a fundamentally new academic ranking, which for the first time evaluates all three key university missions: education, science and interaction with society. The ranking methodology has passed a large-scale public discussion, which was attended by over 100 universities. To compile the ranking, only objective criteria are used, based on official data (including public university reports), as well as data from reputable international information providers. Reputation surveys were completely excluded.

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