USMU students received a grant to create a new tool for endoscopists 29-03-2022 News

A team of students from Ural State Medical University (USMU) was among the winners of the grant competition under the UMNIK program of the Innovation Promotion Foundation. Future doctors – Kirill Shusharin, Mikhail Kulminsky and Valery Safonov – are developing a model of endoscopic biopsy forceps with a multiple grip function.

The idea of ​​creating a convenient tool for endoscopists came to young people in their first year, while working at the School of a Young Scientist at the Department of Biology and Medical Genetics of USMU. Now the students are studying in the third year of the medical and preventive faculty.

“We are developing a model of endoscopic forceps with a container with a special tip of a special shape, which will allow taking biopsies from the stomach or intestines and placing them in a container. This will help eliminate the principle of disposability, as well as the need to repeatedly remove and re-place the forceps in the manipulation channel,” said Kirill Shusharin.

Now the students are planning to create a model of forceps closer to the testing conditions and to study the possibility of performing coagulation biopsy using this device.

“Most of the specialists with whom we discussed the project, this model received a positive assessment and was recommended for production. In addition, within the framework of the grant, we will conduct a special survey of a large number of practicing doctors in order to make the proposed model as popular as possible,” Mikhail Kulminsky explained.

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