Digital cutlet: What food will be like in 50 years 19-08-2021 News

Every third Russian believes that in half a century we will eat food that will provide most of us with a healthy, proper diet. Another 36 percent are sure that the food of the future will be tailored to our individual needs. At the same time, every fourth person already knows what cellular pork, fish and chicken from a test tube is. However, not everyone is ready to try such meat yet. These are the data of a survey conducted by one of the venture funds specializing in investments in foodtech.

But what do scientists say, what kind of food is waiting for us in 50 years? This is an interview with «Rossiyskaya Gazeta» with Larisa Fedotova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, nutritionist, associate professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy and Emergency Medical Care of the Ural State Medical University.

Larisa Valentinovna, so what, in your opinion, will be on our plates in the future?

Larisa Fedotova: As strange as it may seem, digitalization will affect what we eat in the future. And much earlier than 50 years later. Already today, with the help of various gadgets, we measure how many steps we have walked, what our glucose level, pulse, blood pressure, etc. However, while we do not really trust all these «doctors on hand», we use them, rather, for the sake of interest. Because different smart gadgets and the number of steps can be counted differently. But in the future, the system will be rebuilt, the data from the assistant devices will be sent to the doctor, he will carefully analyze them, and will say that it is optimal for a person to eat, based on his individual characteristics. That is, «digital» will allow you to develop a rational nutrition strategy for each individual. Moreover, for this you will not need to stand in line at the clinic, receive coupons and the like. This is based on telemedicine, and it is already actively developing.

Larisa Valentinovna, in your opinion, what path will humanity take in choosing the food of the future? Pursuing a fashionable trend today for eco-products or, on the contrary, for technological food? The same meat grown from stem cells, for example.

Larisa Fedotova: I think we will follow the path – choose high-quality and healthy, taking into account the individual needs of your body. Well, obviously, adjusted for the contents of your wallet, so, alas, it will always be so.

For some, rural natural products are not very useful because of the high fat content. And someone will never eat meat from a test tube, for which animal defenders are so advocating today. The fact is that large-scale production of such meat may require an increase in the addition of hormones to biological culture. In addition, no technology has yet been developed for making artificial meat on a large scale without using antibiotics to prevent infections, which in turn can provoke allergies in those who are prone to it. Although the ultimate goal of the creators of such a product is good – the production of healthier meat than usual, primarily by reducing the fat content and regulating nutrients. For example, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are added to cultured meat. Therefore, we will always have a choice. And in the future, of course, too.

And what foods would you exclude from the diet at all?

Larisa Fedotova: I would not exclude any of them from the diet, unless the person is not ill with anything. We need sugar, salt, fats, gluten, and lactose, the dangers of which are so often repeated. Another thing is that everything needs a measure, the only question is what, how much, how and when you can eat. The food should be balanced, and therefore – diverse. You need to eat 4-6 times a day, in small portions, occasionally you can afford something from fast food, there is nothing wrong with that. I would generally advise you to listen to your own body more often, it will tell you what it needs-both today and in the future.

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