Ural Medical University signed new partnership agreements at the international exhibition «Innoprom» 08-07-2021 News

On the first day of the international exhibition «Innoprom» in Yekaterinburg, cooperation between Ural State Medical University (USMU) and several large organizations was launched.

So, the university’s new industrial partners were Scientific Production Association of Automation named after academician N. A. Semikhatov and Scientific Production Association «Centrotekh».

Olga Kovtun, rector of USMU, told «The subject of agreements is cooperation in implementation of priority tasks and development of mechanisms to ensure development in the field of medical technologies and instrumentation. Together, we will create conditions for the commercialization of scientific results, the implementation of acceleration projects, development and implementation of educational programs related to medical technology».

Ural State Medical University as signed another agreement with colleagues from Ural State Mining University: this includes conducting vocational guidance events for schoolchildren, exchange of experience on the development of teaching methods and digital transformation of education. Also, concern Unilever became a new partner of USMU.

The first day of exhibition was not only an opportunity for the university to establish contacts with colleagues, but also an occasion to share its experience on issues of professional, public and international accreditation of educational programs. Olga Kovtun presented her report on this topic at a roundtable on this topic.

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