Ural State Medical University is featured in the TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION Impact Ranking 2021 26-04-2021 News

For the first time ever, Ural State Medical University was rated by the prestigious Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2021. It assesses the world’s higher education institutions ability to introduce solutions to the global problems by contributing to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Among 1115 universities from 94 countries of the world, Ural Medical University was placed in the 801-1000 group. The creators of the rating noted the contribution of USMU to the achievement of such sustainable development goals as: “Good health and well-being”, “Reduced inequalities”, “Quality education” and “Partnership for the Goals” (building partnerships at global, regional and local levels).

Along with USMU, other universities of the Ural Federal District, South Ural and Tyumen State Universities became participants in the rating. The medical education of Russia is represented by Ryazan, Samara, Kazan and Kursk State Medical Universities, as well as Privolzhsly Research Medical University, Pavlov University and the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

“Participation in the Times Higher Education ranking is another achievement of the team of our university. This speaks not only of the recognition of the quality of medical education in Russia at the international level, but also of the great prospects for the interaction of our university with the best foreign partners in educational and research activities, as well as in terms of implementing initiatives to influence the development of society as a whole. ” , – noted the rector of USMU Olga Kovtun.

The Times Higher Education Impact Ranking is the only one of its kind that ranks universities against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Ranking creators use carefully calibrated metrics to provide a comprehensive and balanced comparison of ranked participants in terms of university research, management strategies, teaching and outreach activities.

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