In the context of a coronavirus infection pandemic, the Ural State Medical University (USMU) conducted a certification course for neurosurgeons from different regions in a new format 08-06-2020 News

If earlier specialists came to study in Ekaterinburg, now they have been given the opportunity to listen to the lectures of the best doctors and to monitor the operations remotely.

Specialists must go through a certification cycle every five years – to pass the exam and obtain a certificate. Cycles for neurosurgeons in Ekaterinburg were conducted regularly, but the problem was that not all areas of knowledge were equally covered, explained Sergey Lyulin, professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics. Therefore, they decided to attract more specialists who are strong in these areas to work on the cycle. It was also possible to realize not only the theoretical, but also the practical part of the course – despite the difficult epidemiological situation.

“We prepared a video material – selected interesting patients, arranged a demonstration and discussion of clinical cases on the basis of State Clinical Hospital № 40 in Ekaterinburg. In addition, we attracted those specialists from Hospital № 40 who had never before performed in such a cycle. They gave lectures and prepared clinical cases, ” Lyulin said.

Doctors from different regions joined the cycle – a total of about 100 people from Ekaterinburg, Moscow, Samara, Kurgan, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, as well as from Chita, from the Far East and Samarkand (Uzbekistan). Colleagues not only from Hospital № 40, but also from other large federal medical centers shared their experience with them.

“Impressions are the best, because five years ago I went through such a cycle at the same base. Now we feel a very big difference – more new relevant information useful in practice. The great lecture staff, the manner of presenting the material – everything is clear and obvious,” said Denis Ivliev, neurosurgeon, assistant at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at Smolensk State Medical University (pictured right). According to him, the opportunity to take part in such a cycle “on the job” is very valuable.

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