Additional regulations introduced to stop spread of COVID-19 infection in Sverdlovsk Region 30-04-2020 News

Dear students!

Evgeny Kuivashev, the Governor of Sverdlovsk Region, had introduced an amendment to the order № 100-UG on the state of increased readiness and introduction measures to protect the population of Sverdlovsk region and prevent spread of new coronavirus infection (2019-nCOV).

For the period of May 1st to May 11th it is forbidden to be in public place without a face mask or respirator. Violating the regulation entails a fine of 5 000 RUB. All inter-city travel will only be possible with a passport check.

However, Alexander Vysokinski, the Mayor of Ekaterinburg, had made an important clarification, stating that wearing a face mask would be a must for public transport and other community spaces such as shops. In addition, over 200 000 face masks will be distributed among the shoppers while roads, streets and public transport stops will be cleared with disinfectants.

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