Telegram, ВКонтакте, Одноклассники
Telegram, ВКонтакте, Одноклассники
After the fourth year many students of the Ural State Medical University begin to gain practical experience as nurses, paramedics and laboratory assistants. For example, a fifth-year student, Roman Orlov, has been a nurse in the Ambulance Service for almost a year. «Many things we study at USMU, at work I see in reality», he says.
According to him, the main difficulty is a daily duty, but students deal with it only on Sundays. In other days they work at night, and by day – study. «I believe that at our university there is everything to become a really high-class specialist. There is constant modernization, various conferences all the time. USMU has a very powerful scientific field. There are many scientific centers in Yekaterinburg with which our university is linked. In fact towards each of us is opened such «space of medicine» – one only needs a will to use these opportunities», noted Roman.