Dean’s Office for International Students Сайт факультета:

Extracurricular work and socio-cultural adaptation of international students are one of the most important activities of the Dean’s office of international students. A plan of cultural and adaptation measures has been developed to allow foreign citizens to get used to a new environment, rules of behavior, traditions, and the social role of a student.

Major activities:

Russian club. The children are told about Russia, its culture, customs and customs of the Russian people, and national characteristics. For their part, they share their impressions of life and study in Russia, discuss communication problems, jointly search for answers to life’s questions, also make reports about their countries, introduce the customs and traditions of the regions where they came from. Within the framework of the Russian club, students regularly celebrate their national holidays, hold events dedicated to the history and culture of different countries of the world, aimed at developing students socio-cultural skills.

Establishment and organization of the school of tutors, tutor support for international students. In order to successfully socialize international students in the educational space of the University, the Dean’s office of international students organized tutor support. Russian students help international friends get used to a new environment, overcome the language barrier, organize leisure time, and in turn learn communication with representatives of other cultures, hone their knowledge of a foreign language. Meetings with participants of tutor support are held regularly. Russian Tutors and international students play musical instruments together, sing, dance, discuss their student problems, share their experience of living in dormitories, passing tests and exams. Russian and international students primarily develop their intercultural communication skills through various communication practices. Foreign citizens learn to understand Russian culture, build relationships with its various representatives, and resolve conflict issues.

The international training and adaptation center was established in order to ensure the implementation of students rights to participate in the management of the educational process, solve important issues of life of Russian and international students, develop their social activity, support and implement social initiatives.

The goals of the Center are:

– creating conditions for the full disclosure of the communicative potential of Russian and international students;

– formation of a systematic approach to the maximum facilitation of adaptation of international students;

– protection of the rights and interests of students (including international ones);

– assistance to the administration of USMU in training future competitive specialists (including international ones), in increasing the interest of students, residents and postgraduates in obtaining knowledge in the field of foreign languages and intercultural communication in accordance with the current legislation and the law of the Russian Federation “About education”;

– assistance to the administration of USMU in the development and implementation of programs to work with students (including inyernational) of USMU in respect of human rights and personality, history and traditions of USMU;

– support of student initiatives in social and public spheres of activity, in science and education, support of business activity and creative self-realization of students (including international ones).

The main activities of the Center within the framework of current legislation are: studying the needs and requests of students (including international ones) of the USMU by organizing and conducting sociological surveys, round tables, seminars, monitoring studies in order to improve educational and adaptation activities; assistance in organizing and conducting student scientific conferences, cultural and sports events, round tables, training courses, exhibitions and other public events that promote the development of personal qualities and creative potential of young people; promotion of inter-University cooperation at the Russian and international levels; participation in the involvement of students (including international) in socially significant activities.

Other educational activities

Joint preparation and participation in state and national holidays, visiting historical sites, organizing cultural and educational excursions.

With the aim of adaptation of students of the preparatory courses Dean’s office organizes visits to departments USMU is conducted (anatomy, physical education, etc.). Guys with interest acquainted with the structure and activities of the University departments, where they are going to continue to get an education.

Tatyana’s day. The cultural and creative event dedicated to the student’s Day is held in cooperation with the Dean’s office and the Union of students and postgraduates of USMU, during which international students and students of preparatory courses are invited to participate in intellectual competitions, show their wits and show their horizons.

Russian Maslenitsa is a festival with representatives of the Dean’s office of international students, the Union of students and postgraduates of USMU, tutors familiarity with Russian customs, Russian folk games, sports competitions.

Events dedicated to the Victory in the great Patriotic war. Visiting the review of the structure and songs of students of USMU, dedicated to February 23. Acquaintance with veterans of the great Patriotic war and other military operations. Conversations about the history of the war, the significance of The victory in the second world war for Russian citizens.


Sports and leisure

International students are given the opportunity to engage in physical education and sports, participate in sports competitions, as well as in student social life. They can show their talents in numerous creative events. International citizens become full participants in the scientific and cultural life of their faculty and University. Together with Russian students, they perform and win competitions, attend theaters, exhibitions, organize recreation evenings, and go on excursions. The international training and adaptation center, which is supervised by the Dean’s office of international students, provides great assistance in adapting to the new conditions of education and life.


International students live like Russian students in dormitories that have all the necessary conditions for living: 2 and 3-bed rooms, kitchens for cooking, sanitary facilities. There are also canteens and buffets where students can have lunch.

USMU contacts
Apply now 3 Repina st,
(343) 214 86 71,
Whatsapp 17 Klyuchevskaya st,
tel. (343) 214 85 45, 8 800 222 8545