Telegram, ВКонтакте, Одноклассники
Telegram, ВКонтакте, Одноклассники
On the 17th of April 2021, the participants of the global educational campaign «Total Dictation – 2021» and its special version – the test «TRUD», created for those who study Russian as a foreign language, were awarded in the historical multimedia park «Russia is my history».
The Dean’s Office of Foreign Students and the Department of Russian Language and Social and Cultural Communication of USMU organized the participation of 37 students and students of the preparatory department in the annual event – a record number of participants among all universities in the city. Among them are experts in Russian language from Egypt, Syria, Palestine, China, Ecuador and other countries.
Foreign students of USMU won 17 certificates of excellence – here we were the winners, showing the highest results.
The best was Guamialama Hernandez Loren Guadalupe, the 1st-year student of the group OInLD-148 from Ecuador, studying in the specialty of Medical Science with the use of an intermediary language, with a result of 100%!
Mustafa Marzuk, student of the group OInLD-243, participant of the test «TRUD»: «We thank our professors of Russian language! Thank you very much for help in everything! I wish you happiness and success in all your activities!»
We congratulate international students and their professors! We are happy to see you succeed and thank you for your interest in Russian language!