Professor of USMU told about the effectiveness of chlorine disinfection against coronavirus 25-03-2020 Actual news News

Thorough disinfection of surfaces in public areas is one of the most common measures against coronavirus. Chlorine solution is used for that quite often. it can irritate respiratory channels but its effectiveness was proven, as Dr. Eugene Belukov, professor at the chair of faculty therapy, endocrinology, allergology,  and immunology of USMU to the Federalpress news portal:

“There is no allergic reaction to chlorine – is it too simple of a compound to cause an allergic reaction, in other words antibody formation. Chlorine is an irritant, provocateur or a trigger as it irritates mucosa of respiratory channels of healthy people as well as suffering from asthma, an allergy of respiratory system. Norman reaction of healthy person can include cough or running nose.

If chlorine wouldn’t be a disinfectant, then it wouldn’t be used. It kills microbes and irritates breathing channels as a side effect. To evade the latter, you should try to stay away from recently disinfected areas.”

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