Graduates and residents of USMU received gratitude for their work in the “red zone” of the Central City Hospital No. 2 14-01-2021 News

The Chief physicianof the Central City Hospital No. 2 of Yekaterinburg Konstantin Savinov praised the work of graduates and residents of the Ural State Medical University (USMU) during the epidemic of a new coronavirus infection. He sent a letter of thanks to the rector of USMU Olga Kovtun.

“During their work, graduates and residents of USMU showed good theoretical knowledge, demonstrated the ability to translate it into practice, showed responsibility, conscientiousness and hard work. Our young colleagues turned out to be persistent and responsible medical workers, this was especially evident when working in the “red zone” of the infectious diseases hospital, where patients with new coronavirus infection, community-acquired pneumonia and severe acute respiratory viral infections are being treated, ”Savinov said.

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