Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education
«Ural state medical university»
of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Telegram, ВКонтакте, Одноклассники
Telegram, ВКонтакте, Одноклассники
The Head of Department is the academician of academy of natural sciences of the Russian Federation, doctor of medical sciences, Professor G. I. Ron
The Department of therapeutic dentistry was established in 1978 as a result of the reorganization of the course of dentistry, founded in SSMI in 1976.
Since 1988 the head of the Department of therapeutic dentistry is the doctor of medical sciences, Professor G. I. Ron.
The Department has 3 professors, 3 associate professors and 3 assistant professors. 100% of the teaching staff of the Department have scientific degrees of doctors and candidates of sciences.
Yekaterinburg, Tokarey str., 29-a
Phone 2148516