Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education
«Ural state medical university»
of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Telegram, ВКонтакте, Одноклассники
Telegram, ВКонтакте, Одноклассники
Since 2009 the head of the Department is the doctor of medical sciences Chertkov Alexander Kuzmich author of 3 monographs, 20 patents, over 100 scientific papers
Now the main clinical setting of the Department of FGKUZ “5 military clinical hospital of national guard of the Russian Federation” is located at: Yekaterinburg, Soboleva str., 10
The Department includes the offices of the head of the Department, the associate professor, classrooms and utility rooms. Multidisciplinary clinic allows you to create the necessary conditions for the qualitative perception of the material in the courses “traumatology and orthopedics”, “military-field surgery”.
Opening hours: 9.00 – 16.00