Telegram, ВКонтакте, Одноклассники
Telegram, ВКонтакте, Одноклассники
Department of anesthesiology, reanimatology, and toxicology, is one of the oldest in Russia in its profile and was established in December 1974. Its organizer is one of the founders of the specialty in the Ural region, a prominent scientist, doctor of medical sciences, Professor, honored scientist of Russia E. K. Nikolaev.
The teaching staff actively participate in all Russian forum of specialists and in the development of the national consensus-based reference documents.
Scientific work usually is connected with ongoing scientific research at the Department and aimed at studying the questions of diagnostics and intensive therapy of severe infections, acute poisoning, the value of surgical methods of detoxication in treatment of acute poisoning, the problems of postoperative analgesia, cost-effectiveness analysis of acute care before admission to the hospital.
The main clinical setting of the Department is
UZ SOOD (Sverdlovsk Regional Oncology Center)
Address: 620000, Yekaterinburg, Soboleva street, 29
Phone: (343) 356-15-05
The classes for studentsare held in the Regional oncology center.
Classes are held in the classroom located on the 2nd floor of the main (surgical) unit.
The office of the Head of Department is located on the 5th floor