The Department of ophthalmology was founded in 1935 by Professor R. H. Michelian
The Head of the Department is the doctor of medical sciences, Professor, vice-rector of USMU for clinical work, chief ophthalmologist of the Ural Federal district, honored doctor of the Russian Federation, member of the European society of cataract and refractive surgeons Korotkikh Sergey Alexandrovich.
The Department has 6 clinical settings, in 4 of them the USMU staff are the heads of the departments: NPRC “Bonum” (center of retinopathy of pre-terms and the regional children’s ophthalmologic center), hospital for veterans of wars, SOKB №1 (surgery of cataract, glaucoma, detachment of retina and plastic surgery), CGKB № 23 (Department of ophthalmotraumatology) MK “Professorskaya Plus”, JSC “Yekaterinburg MNTK center “Eye microsurgery.”
Department of ophthalmology
Sverdlovsk regional clinical hospital №1
620102, Yekaterinburg, Volgogradskaya str., 185
Opening hours: 9-00 – 15-00
Head of the clinical setting is associate professor, doctor of medical sciences Armen Benkovich Stepanyantz
NPC “Bonum”
620149, Yekaterinburg, Akademika Bardina str., 9а
8(343) 287-77-70
Opening hours: 9-00 – 15-00
head of the clinical setting is associate professor, candidate of medical sciences Elena Anatolyevna Stepanova
Hospital of war veterans
620036, Yekaterinburg, Soboleva str., 25
8(343) 376-91-20
Opening hours 9:00-15:00
Head of the clinical setting is assistant Professor, candidate of medical sciences Valentina Vladimirovna Zalesova
Medical clinic “Professorskaya plus”
620014 Yekaterinburg, Weiner str., 15.
Opening hours 8:00-20:00
Head of the clinical setting is associate professor, candidate of medical sciences Eugeniy Valerievich Bobykin