Faculty of General Medicine
Cherniadiev Sergey A.

Dean of the faculty – doctor of medical sciences, Professor Cherniadiev Sergey A.
Dean’s office is located in the main academic building of USMU at:
620014, Yekaterinburg, Repin street, 3, room 116-121

Working hours of the Dean’s office of the faculty of General Medicine of USMU 
The Dean’s office is open five days a week
Phone (343)-214-86-72
The working day begins at 9:00
Lunch break is 13:00-14:00
The end of the working day is at 18:00
Work with visitors in the Dean’s office daily from 15:00 to 17:00
The day before holidays the working day is shortened by 1 hour.

Meetings of the Academic Council of the faculty are held the 1st Friday each month at 14:00 in the Academic Council hall (3rd floor of the main academic building)
the meetings of the Attestation Commission are held on the 4th Friday each month at 14:00 in the Dean’s office of the faculty of General Medicine (room 119).

USMU contacts
Apply now 3 Repina st,
(343) 214 86 71,
E-mail: usma@usma.ru
Whatsapp 17 Klyuchevskaya st,
tel. (343) 214 85 45, 8 800 222 8545
E-mail: priem@usma.ru